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You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!
Which Golf Clubs Are For You?
By: Lee MacRae
With a larger variety of golf clubs coming onto the scene every week, it can become more and more difficult to determine just exactly what you should be looking for when buying new clubs.
Follow along as we discuss each type and what may be best for you.
As a rule of thimb, it should be noted that "off the shelf" golf clubs will work for most everyone standing between five and six foot in heightl. That principle holds for both sexes. Standard clubs will come in enough variety that you should find something to fit the rest of your personal needs quite readily.
Anyone else, should take a look at getting custom fitted clubs to match their height.
Will that be cast iron or forged?
For virtually all golfers, the stock cast iron golf clubs will be the soundest way to go.
Why, you ask? The answer centers on a particular feature of the cast iron club - a larger "sweet spot". That refers to the area right in the middle of the club face. The larger the "sweet spot" on a club face, the more area you have to strike the ball well. You can still be a little "off center" and the ball is still struck well because you have a larger margin of error. Beginners especially benefit from that standard cast iron feature. Until their swing plane is more developed, they will have an easier time striking the ball on a consistant basis with the cast iron club. This is the major reason why you see larger or even "oversized" clubs made, especially the oversized drivers today. These clubs allow for a larger sweet spot and make the game a lot easier for the average player
Conversely, forged iron golf clubs have a much smaller sweet spot and it is far more difficult to hit a ball well with this kind of club.
Which begs the question. Why make forged iron clubs?
Well, because they are made of a softer steel, they offer a better "feel" on each and every shot. The more experienced golfers can use this feel to great advantage, shaping their shots, even curving them intentionally when the circumstances require it. So, in effect, they trade off the larger sweet spot for the shot shaping feel of a forged iron club.
Next question, will you use steel or a composite material for the shaft of your new club?
The significant measure here is golf club velocity. A typical, everyday golfer will possess a club velocity of 80 to 94 mph. Slower speeds generally imply you should look to using a shaft made from composite material. Slower swing speeds mean less distance on your shots. Not a good thing. Composite shafts will allow you to get that much needed distance on your shots. And even within the composite shaft class, you will find variations in flex and materials that will affect your game.
On the other hand, if you already have good distance on your shots due to good swing speed, you can add some touch and feel to your game very similar to that obtained by using the forged iron clubs. You get the best of both worlds.
You can find out your own swing speed by looking for a golf store that has a velocity speed gun or a radar gun package. It won't cost you much and you will know very quickly which type of shaft is best for you. You can even find some battery operated doppler radar devices on the market that you can set up and use to determine your club velocity by yourself.
With only these few starting tips, it is typically best if you rent a few different sets of clubs as you play and take note of how each club serves or handicaps your game. You are looking to ascertain your own strengths as well as weaknesses. Check out the assorted types and varieties of golf clubs you may find in a rental shop, for example, and discover what works best for you.
These simple golf driving tips have proved effective in helping many golfers around the world improve their drives off the tee. Simply apply what you have read here to your own circumstances. Here's to your own improvement!
Find a great golf training aid and improve your game!
More Thoughts On Golf
The Tilt
Creating the proper tilt in the shoulders requires two elements: The hips must move closer to the target at the start of the downswing while the head stays slightly back. This drives the left shoulder up and the right side down.
...Golf Tips magazine
If you can�t seem to find the time to spend at the driving range and your backyard is too small to practice your golf swing, all hope is not lost thanks to virtual golf. Of course, this is not quite as satisfying as feeling the club strike the ball, but it may be a good solution between trips to the course. As the name suggests, you place a ball on the tee just like you would otherwise, but the ball will not travel outside a certain area. Or, you can opt for a net in which you can hit the ball except you will, obviously, have to hit the net each and every time.
...PGA of America
The trajectory of a golf ball and the distance it travels depends on its initial trajectory, speed and spin, as well as what it's moving through (air). The air is not always the same. It varies in temperature, pressure, humidity and density. If there were no air whatsoever, the golf ball would not travel far. Likewise, if a ball is hit in air with no spin, it will not travel far. news
Proper Sequence Is Key
There are many elements of impact that must come together to produce consistency, but the key lies in the sequence. From the top of the backswing, the legs and hips must initiate the downswing by moving toward the target, past their original position at address. This creates the proper tilt in the shoulders that allows the right arm to remain flexed at impact, while the left wrist becomes flat. Basically, a proper impact position is the result of a proper sequence of movements.
...Golf Tips magazine
A Rehearsal Routine for Hitting Pinpoint Pitches and Chips
How you make a practice swing when chipping from off the green is especially critical. First of all, you're not just trying to calculate how far you need to hit the ball, you're also trying to determine how high the ball should fly and how much roll you want it to have. Also, a practice stroke helps you to assess the lie, which can range from having a ball that's sunken down in the rough to one sitting high on the collar. All these variables come into play when making a practice swing, which is why I think it's critical that every golfer learn a constant preshot technique.
...Golf Link
Headline News About Golf
Train with PGA TOUR Star Camilo Villegas on “Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist”
Mon, 16 Apr 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Demonstrates the importance of stretching as part of his total body workout routine
Strong to the Finish
Mon, 15 May 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Brad Faxon Featured on ''Golf Fitness Academy presented by Titleist''
Mon, 17 Apr 2006 00:00:00 GMT
golf clubs clone
golf irons
golf club components

You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!
Which Golf Clubs Are For You?
By: Lee MacRae
With a larger variety of golf clubs coming onto the scene every week, it can become more and more difficult to determine just exactly what you should be looking for when buying new clubs.
Follow along as we discuss each type and what may be best for you.
As a rule of thimb, it should be noted that "off the shelf" golf clubs will work for most everyone standing between five and six foot in heightl. That principle holds for both sexes. Standard clubs will come in enough variety that you should find something to fit the rest of your personal needs quite readily.
Anyone else, should take a look at getting custom fitted clubs to match their height.
Will that be cast iron or forged?
For virtually all golfers, the stock cast iron golf clubs will be the soundest way to go.
Why, you ask? The answer centers on a particular feature of the cast iron club - a larger "sweet spot". That refers to the area right in the middle of the club face. The larger the "sweet spot" on a club face, the more area you have to strike the ball well. You can still be a little "off center" and the ball is still struck well because you have a larger margin of error. Beginners especially benefit from that standard cast iron feature. Until their swing plane is more developed, they will have an easier time striking the ball on a consistant basis with the cast iron club. This is the major reason why you see larger or even "oversized" clubs made, especially the oversized drivers today. These clubs allow for a larger sweet spot and make the game a lot easier for the average player
Conversely, forged iron golf clubs have a much smaller sweet spot and it is far more difficult to hit a ball well with this kind of club.
Which begs the question. Why make forged iron clubs?
Well, because they are made of a softer steel, they offer a better "feel" on each and every shot. The more experienced golfers can use this feel to great advantage, shaping their shots, even curving them intentionally when the circumstances require it. So, in effect, they trade off the larger sweet spot for the shot shaping feel of a forged iron club.
Next question, will you use steel or a composite material for the shaft of your new club?
The significant measure here is golf club velocity. A typical, everyday golfer will possess a club velocity of 80 to 94 mph. Slower speeds generally imply you should look to using a shaft made from composite material. Slower swing speeds mean less distance on your shots. Not a good thing. Composite shafts will allow you to get that much needed distance on your shots. And even within the composite shaft class, you will find variations in flex and materials that will affect your game.
On the other hand, if you already have good distance on your shots due to good swing speed, you can add some touch and feel to your game very similar to that obtained by using the forged iron clubs. You get the best of both worlds.
You can find out your own swing speed by looking for a golf store that has a velocity speed gun or a radar gun package. It won't cost you much and you will know very quickly which type of shaft is best for you. You can even find some battery operated doppler radar devices on the market that you can set up and use to determine your club velocity by yourself.
With only these few starting tips, it is typically best if you rent a few different sets of clubs as you play and take note of how each club serves or handicaps your game. You are looking to ascertain your own strengths as well as weaknesses. Check out the assorted types and varieties of golf clubs you may find in a rental shop, for example, and discover what works best for you.
These simple golf driving tips have proved effective in helping many golfers around the world improve their drives off the tee. Simply apply what you have read here to your own circumstances. Here's to your own improvement!
Find a great golf training aid and improve your game!
More Thoughts On Golf
The Tilt
Creating the proper tilt in the shoulders requires two elements: The hips must move closer to the target at the start of the downswing while the head stays slightly back. This drives the left shoulder up and the right side down.
...Golf Tips magazine
If you can�t seem to find the time to spend at the driving range and your backyard is too small to practice your golf swing, all hope is not lost thanks to virtual golf. Of course, this is not quite as satisfying as feeling the club strike the ball, but it may be a good solution between trips to the course. As the name suggests, you place a ball on the tee just like you would otherwise, but the ball will not travel outside a certain area. Or, you can opt for a net in which you can hit the ball except you will, obviously, have to hit the net each and every time.
...PGA of America
The trajectory of a golf ball and the distance it travels depends on its initial trajectory, speed and spin, as well as what it's moving through (air). The air is not always the same. It varies in temperature, pressure, humidity and density. If there were no air whatsoever, the golf ball would not travel far. Likewise, if a ball is hit in air with no spin, it will not travel far. news
Proper Sequence Is Key
There are many elements of impact that must come together to produce consistency, but the key lies in the sequence. From the top of the backswing, the legs and hips must initiate the downswing by moving toward the target, past their original position at address. This creates the proper tilt in the shoulders that allows the right arm to remain flexed at impact, while the left wrist becomes flat. Basically, a proper impact position is the result of a proper sequence of movements.
...Golf Tips magazine
A Rehearsal Routine for Hitting Pinpoint Pitches and Chips
How you make a practice swing when chipping from off the green is especially critical. First of all, you're not just trying to calculate how far you need to hit the ball, you're also trying to determine how high the ball should fly and how much roll you want it to have. Also, a practice stroke helps you to assess the lie, which can range from having a ball that's sunken down in the rough to one sitting high on the collar. All these variables come into play when making a practice swing, which is why I think it's critical that every golfer learn a constant preshot technique.
...Golf Link
Headline News About Golf
Train with PGA TOUR Star Camilo Villegas on “Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist”
Mon, 16 Apr 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Demonstrates the importance of stretching as part of his total body workout routine
Strong to the Finish
Mon, 15 May 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Brad Faxon Featured on ''Golf Fitness Academy presented by Titleist''
Mon, 17 Apr 2006 00:00:00 GMT
golf clubs clone
golf irons
golf club components
Labels: golf gifts | golf swing
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